Friday 30 May 2014

Camping by the South China Sea

Highlights of our weekend camping at Anawangin Cove by the South China Sea. Sleeping out under the stars in Europe was never quite like this. It's definitely more fun in the Philippines, especially when you're lucky enough to have Jo, Toni and Jacky on hand to look after you!

Thursday 29 May 2014

Dragon Breath Ice Cream

The bank holiday on May 1 gave me the opportunity to explore a few new places of interest in Manila that I hadn't yet come across. 

My day with Jacky and Jo began at Cubao Farmers' Market and ended with a Jeepney ride around UP campus, with an incredible smoking Dragon Breath ice cream sandwiched firmly in between.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Malaysia Day 10 - Malacca

The beautiful UNESCO world heritage site of Malacca with its historic churches, temples, mosques and murals.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Malaysia Day 9 - Good Friday Procession

The biggest Christian procession in Malaysia. 

St. Peter's Church, Malacca, Good Friday 2014.

Monday 26 May 2014

Sunday 25 May 2014

Malaysia Day 7 - The NoodLe Guy

Not far from the rather obscure train station of Taman Bahagia on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur, we chanced upon a street food vendor with a difference. 

Check out the NoodLe Guy for some impressive culinary acrobatics, far more impressive and productive than the senseless bottle spinning performed by show-offs behind the bar at TGiF. 

This guy is without doubt the real deal & his noodles were delicious too. 

Saturday 24 May 2014

Malaysia Day 6 - Cameron Highlands

One of our most enjoyable days in Malaysia was a trip to the Cameron Highlands, incorporating tea plantations, strawberry picking and the sampling of some delicious exotic fruits such as purple dragon fruits and sea coconuts which are grown only in the jungle.