Wednesday 30 November 2011


During the month of Movember, all male members of staff are encouraged to grow a moustache and become what's known as a Mo Bro. The idea behind it is that by highlighting our masculinity,
we will help raise awareness of the dangers of prostate cancer.

Consequently a small number of courageous colleagues temporarily sacrificed their vanity
to turn the clock back to the Studlike Seventies.

The horrendous results of what happened can be seen below.

The "Hulk Hogan"

The "Rafa Benitez"

The "Barry Mcquigan"

The "Village People"

The "Clark Gable"

The "Samuel L. Jackson Pulp Fiction"

The "Tom Sellick"

The "Salvador Dali"

The "Bruce Grobbelaar"

The "Ali G."

The "Clement Freud"

The "Inspector Clouseau"

The "Josef Stalin"

The "Graham Souness"

The "Freddy Mercury"
& last but not least ... 

The "Ecky Thump".

So all I can say is ...

 Thank God it's December!

1 comment:

  1. Irgendwie siehst Du mit Schnurrbart schon wieder aus wie Direktor Litzner ;).
