Tuesday 6 March 2012

Midget boxing!

Manila certainly caters to some very strange tastes and preferences. Should you seek confirmation, look no further than a bar called Ringside on the edge of the red light district.

I told Kev about this place over Christmas dinner. From the moment he heard about it, he was frequently talking about going down there to check it out for himself. I'm pleased to say that I've never been in there. Admittedly, I do have some testosterone-driven fantasies that Manila could easily fulfil, were I able to ignore my conscience and better judgement. However, watching midgets punch each other isn't one of them and it never will be.

Kev, however, was determined to see it with his own eyes, so on his last night here, he and Jule took in a piece of the action. No sooner had they gone in the bar, than Kev found himself invited to referee the next bout. Needless to say he needed no second invitation.

Now I could be wrong but it definitely looks as if the midgets are wearing nappies in the photos! Whatever their attire, I got the distinct feeling the morning after, when Kev eventually surfaced with something of a brutal hangover, that he couldn't quite believe he'd willingly parted with so much money for the privilege of experiencing something so incredibly bizarre. Apparently, he'd had to show his appreciation by buying the midgets a shot apiece (or should I call the drink a 'short'!), after watching them box. Looking at the pictures that Jule took of him ringside, I have to confess that I am in no way tempted to follow in his footsteps. Next time I'm down in P. Burgos, I'll do what I normally do and have a tonic water while enjoying some of the more usual tourist sights that Manila has to offer.

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