Saturday 3 March 2012

The Pet Cemetery of Negativism

After leaving Sagada, we were treated to spectacular views for the duration of the trip all the way to Baguio. The road continually snaked around mountain bends and for a substantial part of the journey, we were actually higher than the clouds.

Eventually we interrupted the arduous 15-hour drive back to Manila with a brief stopover in Camp John Hay, where we visited one of the most bizarre spectacles I've ever encountered in my entire life. 

The Lost Cemetery (or Pet Cemetery of Negativism as it has become known)
 contains 15 make believe gravestones. 

A large proportion of them are embellished with animal figures, 
hence the connotation of the pet cemetery.

The reasoning behind the concept is that this is a graveyard for negative thoughts. As a visitor
you are consequently encouraged to bury your own negativity here. After leaving 
you will therefore have a more positive outlook for the rest of your life.

I can't really say it had any effect on me. I just found the whole experience most bizarre.

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