Tuesday 20 August 2013

North Korea - Day 3

Our third day in the DPRK was undoubtedly the highlight of our entire tour.

We left our hotel in Kaesong and headed back at lightening speed along the Reunification Highway in order to arrive back in Pyongyang in good time to see the military parade. July 27th is a hugely significant day in the North Korean calendar, as it commemorates their victory over the U.S. imperialists in 1953. The 60th anniversary celebrations were therefore planned to be particularly spectacular.

After witnessing the parade of jeeps, trucks, tanks, rockets and missiles passing just metres before our very eyes, we spent the early afternoon visiting the Korean Workers Party monument. Whilst there, we were distracted by the arrival of a long procession of huge floats which was drawing large crowds as it made its way along the adjacent road.

After dinner we took our seats at the spectacular Arirang Mass Games.

In addition to the photographs enclosed below, you will also find a 10-minute film at the bottom of this page documenting both the military parade and the performance at the Mass Games.

The view from our hotel room in Kaesong

Saying goodbye to one of the lovely waitresses

Entering the city limits of Pyongyang through the Reunification Monument

The parade of tanks approaching our vantage point

Soldiers were in jovial mood

Robert standing right in the front row

It was hard to believe the armoured vehicles were passing so close to us

Robert quickly entered into the spirit of things

The crowds waited patiently for hours to cheer the vehicles and their occupants

The North Korean television cameras were there to record the event for posterity

A soldier striving to keep his uniform free of impurities

Even the locals were happy to pose for the camera

The Korean Workers Party Monument

A huge group of children walking ahead of the parade

The line appeared to be never-ending

A picture of Kim Il-Sung on Armistice Day was one of the first floats in the procession

Many more followed on behind

Each of them depicted a different theme

Kim Jong-Il's portrait featured shortly afterwards

A group of Young Pioneers entering the Metro

The entrance hall to a nearby gallery

 A painting of Young Pioneers

Robert enjoying traditional Korean BBQ

The Arirang Mass Games in progress

The Games document the history of the DPRK

The participation of 100,000 performers ensures a spectacular night of entertainment

Please view the above film to see actual footage from the military parade and Mass Games

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