Saturday 10 August 2013

Summer 2013 in Europe

After the madness of last summer, I decided to drastically reduce my travels this year and opted instead to keep my stopovers to an absolute minimum.

I spent the first week with Monika in Brussels, visiting friends while I was there. 
As always, Grand Place looked spectacular by night.

The light show is still a firm favourite with tourists and locals alike.

I discovered that Julie's bichon frise Zoe is no longer as spritely as she once was. 
Consequently Luc had to carry her during our walk through Tervuren park.

Europe looks incredibly green to me after spending 2 years in Manila 
and Tervuren is no exception.

There was even a session of what looked like Tai Chi in progress to make me feel at home.

From Belgium I headed back to Blighty to spend the next few weeks with my family. 
My great-niece Lyra was a real cutie.

Once in Stratford, I looked on mesmerised as my brother strutted his stuff 
at several performances of the Shakespeare Morris Men.

In between, I spent a wonderful day in the Cotswolds with Sharon and Michael.

After leaving Brute's, I headed to Germany where I worked on my house in Little Krankow. 
Life doesn't change much there and the village characters remain as fascinating as ever.

Heiny is still sporting the hippy look.

Ingy is still auditioning for a part in the Smurfs.

Otto still cracks a good joke.

While Wolfgang and Eddy Redbeard are still the life and soul of the party.

My final port of call in Europe was Frankfurt, where I enjoyed a great weekend with the Boeck clan.

Eyke and Mark are still in fine form.

As indeed is Soeren.

Pascal unfortunately missed out on the get-together but was present in the form of his clone. 
Meanwhile the Boeck sisterly resemblance is still as striking as ever.

So after 7 wonderful weeks catching up with family and friends, I then set off to North Korea.

But that's another story.....

1 comment:

  1. Es war so schön, Dich zu sehen. Célie bedauert es sehr, Dich durch ihr vieles Theater vom Windelnwechseln abzuhalten. ;)
